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Connecting communities
with seamless bookings

The best free booking system on the market. No contracts, no commitments – just simple, fast bookings and payments. Driven by community and passion.

Trusted by hundreds of communities.

Driven by thousands of Wunderbookers

Effortless Scheduling for Unstoppable Growth

50,000+ wunderbookers

Simplify your bookings and connect with more users

We’ve taken out all distractions associated with regular booking systems and focused obsessively on simple, fast bookings and payments.

Clients can book into your event in seconds. 

Share your schedule

Get your schedule in-front of more peoples eyes

Get your schedule in front of more people’s eyes. 

Share your schedule with our amazing schedule links. Connect it with your website, social media accounts, or simply send it via WhatsApp.

It’s never been easier to book your events and buy your memberships.

Save & grow with us

We never charge our companies

When you join Wunderbook, you’re joining a community that cares about your success.

We don’t sell our software; we give it to you and collaborate with you to grow.

Together, we are stronger.

Cut the b***shit admin work

No pay, no book policy

Say goodbye to chasing payments. Clients must pay upfront to book events, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

With our unique subscription model, you’ll never need to chase subscription payments again.

Cutting edge features

No more booking platforms dinosaurs

  • Harness the power of Geo-targeting.
  • Embrace growth with our open-source app.
  • Ensure repeat business with upcoming success badges.
  • Stay ahead with our cutting-edge AI planning tools.

Designed to help you grow, save and connect with more people


Growth in 6 months


Saved per year


Users to connect with

100% satisfaction

Or your money back 😉

The power of one platform


The endless opportunities for collaboration, not only with us but also with fellow business owners in similar positions. Think of the amazing collaboration opportunities between gyms and saunas.


Connecting with a community that shares your interests is much easier than trying to reach new people who may not be interested in what you offer. That's where our app comes in – bringing new people who are genuinely interested to your business and helping you grow within your community.


Wunderbook is powered by the community. By never charging the companies that are on the app, this is the only way we operate. Connecting all communities and cross-pollinating between them is what we are all about.

The successful company playbook

Ensure client satisfaction

Expand your client base

Define clear goals and purpose

Join a supportive community to achieve them

Wundebook has all the power of premium systems but without the cost

For years, we’ve been dedicated to fostering business growth across diverse sectors – from gyms to saunas, yoga and pilates studios, dog grooming services to running clubs, and music lessons to car valets. Whether you’re just starting out, already established, or organising free community events, we’re here to help you grow, connect, and manage – all at absolutely no cost to you.

The Future of Bookings

Don't Wunder, book a chat with us